Chief Warrant Officer Herbert 'Roger' Mills wiped out the family's accounts, filed for divorce and volunteered for Iraq at age 57 Kathy Mills, a former teacher and Mary Kay director who won eight pink Cadillacs as a 'Grand Achiever,' was left destitute CW Mills took advantage of a law passed to protect service members so he could avoid divorce court CW Mills cut his wife out of his $500,000 military death benefits before parachuting to his death CW Mills wrote on the Ohio National Guard office white board that he would be in the hospital BEFORE he jumped Kathy Mills found her husband's home and storage units filled with stolen military equipment and classified documents K …
Count the psychopaths in ‘Hell on Wheels’
Gunslingers, industrialists, cowboys and Indians, Yankees, rebels, carpetbaggers, immigrants, Mormons, freed slaves, settlers and whores Hell on Wheels, the AMC television show about building the transcontinental railway after the Civil War, has them all. The final season begins next month. What will happen to the hero, Cullen Bohannon (Anson Mount), a former Confederate officer who became the construction "boss man"? Hell on Wheels first aired in 2011, but my husband, Terry, and I found it later on Netflix. We are totally addicted. We can't wait to see how all the story lines will play out. What confrontations will Bohannon face before that final golden spike is driven into the …
Love Fraud and How to Avoid It – to protect yourself from sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists, take this online course
[youtube_sc url="" title="The%20Basics:%20Love%20Fraud%20and%20How%20to%20Avoid%20It"] The Basics: Love Fraud and How to Avoid It Initial presentation: June 1, 2016, 8 pm Eastern time Register by May 30 and save 25%! If you're like most readers, you've found Lovefraud because you've already had a devastating run-in with a sociopath, psychopath, narcissist or other exploiter. So you know what they're like. Lovefraud's first new online course is geared towards people who don't know. People who have never heard of sociopaths, people who still think all psychopaths are serial killers, people who don't know that evil can look normal. So although this course may not …
Sociopaths Use Love To Blind Us To Their Nefarious Intent
By O.N. Ward Every week, a chapter of my book, "Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, please see the links at the bottom of the post. Chapter 6: Love Blinds—Really! If Paul had become annoyed with me for disappointing or inconveniencing him on our first, second, or even third date, I probably would have decided he was a selfish jerk and ended any meaningful involvement with him. So why did this small red flag go unheeded when it occurred on New Year's Eve, a year into our relationship? Because his annoyance and se …
Sociopaths Use Love To Blind Us To Their Nefarious IntentRead More
After enduring his cruelty and exploitation, finally finding the truth
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Laurette." In 2014, I met a man while visiting Calgary, Canada. He was loving, sweet, charming and said everything I wanted to hear. Everything but the truth. He was an alcoholic and determined to change his life. I admired him for that. He told me he had a child to a woman who he met at a party/bar and purposely got him drunk so she could get pregnant. It was a one-night stand. Six months after his daughter was born, she ran off without any notice and not telling him where she'd taken their daughter. I fell pregnant to him almost straight away, which was a miracle because I had fertility issues which I'd …
After enduring his cruelty and exploitation, finally finding the truthRead More
Video: Learn to spot and escape psychopaths, sociopaths and other exploiters
[youtube_sc url="" title="Learn%20to%20spot%20and%20escape%20psychopaths,%20sociopaths%20and%20other%20exploiters"] Approximately 12% of the people around us have serious personality disorders they're psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists. No, they aren't all serial killers, but in one way or another, they all victimize just about everyone who crosses their paths. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers online courses to help you spot, escape and recover from these exploiters and manipulators. The courses are designed for: • people who want to protect themselves, • people who have already been targeted by these manipulators, and • mental health …
Video: Learn to spot and escape psychopaths, sociopaths and other exploitersRead More
Subtle Sociopath “Tells”– Lacking Empathy Even When You’re Ill
By O.N. Ward Every week, a chapter of my book, "Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, please see the links at the bottom of the post. Chapter 5: Make Your Own Damn Sandwich! I did not extrapolate or act upon these seemingly small moments of dissonance, but I had a friend who did exactly that in one of her relationships. Her decision to trust her instincts and to generalize from one small selfish act to what married life with her fiancé would be like may have saved her from a disastrous marriage, perhaps to a soc …
Subtle Sociopath “Tells”– Lacking Empathy Even When You’re IllRead More
After the discard, I discovered everything I thought I knew about him was a lie
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a man whom we'll call "Evan." We were together for four years. He discarded me out of the blue one day for someone he had known 2 weeks. It wasn't until after the discard I discovered that everything I had thought I knew about him was a lie. I also found out he had been cheating on me, with God knows how many people, our entire relationship. At last count, I could confirm 10. I cannot confirm that any of the individuals he cheated on me with were female, but I heard stories and have my suspicions. I do know for certain he attempted a sexual encounter with our good friend and neighbor, who is a married female, but aside from that, I …
After the discard, I discovered everything I thought I knew about him was a lieRead More
How Dr. Bob Hare began studying psychopaths, and what he learned
When Dr. Robert Hare started his job as a young prison psychologist, the first prisoner he met was a psychopath, although Hare didn't know it yet. In an interview published in Discover Magazine, Hare describes the encounter with a man he calls "Ray:" “He was extremely predatory, looked at me like I was food,” recalls Hare. “With his eyes, he nailed me to the wall.” Then Ray pulled out a crude, handmade knife and waved it at Hare. When Hare refrained from pressing the panic button, Ray said he planned to use his weapon on another inmate. Hare felt that Ray was testing him, so he chose not to report the prisoner or the contraband weapon to other staff. Hare wanted to solve the puzzle of the inm …
How Dr. Bob Hare began studying psychopaths, and what he learnedRead More
Sociopath: “Moments of Weirdness” Or Unrecognized Red Flags?
By O.N. Ward Every week, a chapter of my book, "Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, please see the links at the bottom of the post. Chapter 4: Love At First Sight Is Possible...Just Be Sure You're Seeing Clearly Paul was romantic, caring, and attentive. He took me to plays, cooked dinner with me, and shared hikes and long walks. When our relationship evolved to physical intimacy, he was an amorous but gentle lover. I felt so lucky to have found him. By the time we started dating, Paul already had a co …
Sociopath: “Moments of Weirdness” Or Unrecognized Red Flags?Read More