Editor's Note: This Letter to Lovefraud is from a Lovefraud Reader whom we'll call “Aubree.” Names have been changed. I recently got out of a two year relationship with a person who I believe is a sociopath, or at the very least an extremely vengeful borderline. When we first got together, he told me that he used to have a habit of going to bars, finding the prettiest and most confident-looking woman there, and proceeding to go up to her and start picking on her and making fun of her for something that he suspected she might be insecure about. For example, if he saw a girl who was beautiful but wasn't stick-thin, he'd go up to her and start making snide remarks about her weight. He said h …
Mother just wants molesting ex properly prosecuted
Two months after a mother of four separated from her husband, she found out from her children that their father had been sexually molesting them. She called the Ministry of Children and Family Development Vancouver and the Vancouver Police Department for assistance. The court issued a restraining order against the father preventing him from interacting with the mother or the children. In retaliation, the father and his friends called the Police and the Ministry repeatedly claiming the mother to be crazy and unfit to take care of the children. The court stepped in and awarded custody of the children to foster parents. A social worker eventually allowed the father unsupervised visitation, …
Michelle Rowling’s ominous Facebook message: ‘If anything happens to me’
When Michelle Rowling, 25, of East St. Louis, Missouri, found out her former boyfriend was being released from prison she knew there was a chance something might happen to her. It did. Five days after she posted a warning on Facebook, police found her stabbed to death in her apartment. Montrell Cooper, her former boyfriend, is being investigated in her death. 'If anything happens to me, let my kids know I love them': Mother's terrifying Facebook premonition three days before 'ex-boyfriend stabbed her to death', from MailOnline. …
Michelle Rowling’s ominous Facebook message: ‘If anything happens to me’Read More
Letters to Lovefraud: He flat out admits he is a sociopath
Editor's note: The following letter was sent by 26 year-old Lovefraud reader “Clarissa.” Names have been changed. My name is Clarissa. I have just ended a relationship with someone who I believe is a sociopath. I'm having a difficult time accepting and trying to understand this relationship and getting over the events that occurred. Reconnecting with Blain after so many years I will call my ex “Blain.” I had dated him briefly in high school and broke up with him. He randomly contacted me online 9 years later and was very persistent in me going for a coffee with him. At first I ignored him but when I saw he kept messaging me I said ok, I ended up meeting him and didn't think anything …
Letters to Lovefraud: He flat out admits he is a sociopathRead More
Research on trusting your gut
Lovefraud advocates trusting your gut, instincts or intuition when it comes to romantic relationships. Jim McNulty, a psychology professor at Florida State University, just published research that tested how "automatic attitudes" and "semi-conscious attitudes" predicted long-term happiness in romantic relationships. Gut feelings might be best predictors of marital bliss, on IndividualHealthNews.com. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Sociopaths and the three components of love
Last week, my husband, Terry Kelly, and I traded colds. I got sick first, and Terry made chicken soup and did what he could to make me feel comfortable. Then, despite my best efforts to keep my germs to myself, Terry got sick. By this time I was feeling better. So I went to the store and bought cold medicine, tissues and orange juice, because I'd used everything up. I made him chicken soup. I even made him a pot of chili. As I did all this, I noticed a warm feeling within me. It was the joy of taking care of someone I loved. I was concerned about his health and wellbeing. I was happy and energized to help him. It was a feeling sociopaths never experience. Three behavioral …
Shellie Zimmerman, George Zimmerman’s estranged wife, speaks out about abuse
George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, 17, in Sanford, Florida, the night of February 26, 2012. Despite the media circus that followed, and Zimmerman's high-profile trial last summer that ended with his acquittal, I have never written about this case. Although it was a big story, I wasn't sure it was a Lovefraud story. Most of the media attention focused on the racial aspects of the case. Most of the debate was on whether or not justice was served. Neither of these issues necessarily correlates with sociopathy. There were a few hints that Zimmerman had sociopathic traits. In fact, a writer by the name of Shawn James did a good job of outlining them in his blog article, Why I …
Shellie Zimmerman, George Zimmerman’s estranged wife, speaks out about abuseRead More
Video: Women ignoring the Red Flags of Love Fraud
This Youtube video is a satirical and cringe-worthy look at women with skewed ideas of what's appealing about men. Unfortunately, some of the behaviors look familiar. The video has gone viral. …
What’s in Alec Baldwin’s wallet? Not pledge support from WNYC member
Editor's note: The following post was written by the Lovefraud reader who posts as "Jennifer." "Alec Baldwin can always be counted on to give a good performance, whether on television or on the witness stand, and his testimony in State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Tuesday was no exception." That's a quote from the New York Times article about Alec Baldwin's stalking case entitled, In Court, Baldwin Tells of a Stalker 'Out of Hitchcock.' According to the article, Mr. Baldwin alleges that he has been "harassed" and "stalked" by a woman he "painted" as "...both delusional and dangerous." And, while it appears that the woman's behavior has certainly been extreme since their "meeting" …
What’s in Alec Baldwin’s wallet? Not pledge support from WNYC memberRead More
Narcissists at work
A Lovefraud reader sent me a link to a free e-book. The reader's only comment was, "ugh." Here's the book: The Upside of Narcissism in the Workplace The book was created by Hogan Assessment Systems. On its website, this company says, "Hogan uses the powerful science of personality assessment to help you hire the right people, develop talented employees, build great leaders, and impact the bottom line." I downloaded the e-book. It's very short only nine pages. It points out that young people in general exhibit more narcissism than in the past, but in "controlled doses," narcissism may be good for an employee's career. The e-book points out the potential pitfalls of narcissism. …