[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/JCr4FKgnomc" title="The%20Basics:%20Love%20Fraud%20and%20How%20to%20Avoid%20It"] The Basics: Love Fraud and How to Avoid It Initial presentation: June 1, 2016, 8 pm Eastern time Register by May 30 and save 25%! If you're like most readers, you've found Lovefraud because you've already had a devastating run-in with a sociopath, psychopath, narcissist or other exploiter. So you know what they're like. Lovefraud's first new online course is geared towards people who don't know. People who have never heard of sociopaths, people who still think all psychopaths are serial killers, people who don't know that evil can look normal. So although this course may not …
Video: Learn to spot and escape psychopaths, sociopaths and other exploiters
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/_xR_O0Eoqiw" title="Learn%20to%20spot%20and%20escape%20psychopaths,%20sociopaths%20and%20other%20exploiters"] Approximately 12% of the people around us have serious personality disorders they're psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists. No, they aren't all serial killers, but in one way or another, they all victimize just about everyone who crosses their paths. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers online courses to help you spot, escape and recover from these exploiters and manipulators. The courses are designed for: • people who want to protect themselves, • people who have already been targeted by these manipulators, and • mental health …
Video: Learn to spot and escape psychopaths, sociopaths and other exploitersRead More
How Dr. Bob Hare began studying psychopaths, and what he learned
When Dr. Robert Hare started his job as a young prison psychologist, the first prisoner he met was a psychopath, although Hare didn't know it yet. In an interview published in Discover Magazine, Hare describes the encounter with a man he calls "Ray:" “He was extremely predatory, looked at me like I was food,” recalls Hare. “With his eyes, he nailed me to the wall.” Then Ray pulled out a crude, handmade knife and waved it at Hare. When Hare refrained from pressing the panic button, Ray said he planned to use his weapon on another inmate. Hare felt that Ray was testing him, so he chose not to report the prisoner or the contraband weapon to other staff. Hare wanted to solve the puzzle of the inm …
How Dr. Bob Hare began studying psychopaths, and what he learnedRead More
What narcissists are really saying
Book Review: The Narc Decoder Understanding the language of the narcissist, by Tina Swithin. If you're involved with a sociopath, narcissist or other disordered individual, there comes a time when they attack. The love bombing has stopped maybe ages ago. They are through with you, or sense that you are through with them. They either regard you with contempt, or are furious that you figured them out and had the audacity to leave. They start sending nasty text messages and emails. Here's one that Tina Swithin, author of The Narc Decoder, received from her ex-husband while they were in the midst of a custody battle over their two daughters: Tina - The most tragic part is what you are doing …
Tell Lovefraud about your experience with sociopaths, PTSD and court
[youtube_sc url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzJm0I4CzuM"] Judge Lou Olivera, of the Cumberland County, North Carolina, veterans court program, sentenced Sgt. Joseph Serna, a Special Forces soldier who did four combat tours in Afghanistan, to 24 hours in jail for violating probation. Judge Olivera knew that Sgt. Serna suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So when the judge saw Serna trembling as he turned himself in to serve the sentence, Judge Olivera decided to serve the time with him. Read: A compassionate judge sentences a veteran to 24 hours in jail, then joins him behind bars, on WashingtonPost.com. Yes, what Judge Olivera did to support Sgt. Serna is terrific. But …
Tell Lovefraud about your experience with sociopaths, PTSD and courtRead More
Date Differently: How to recognize, escape and heal from sociopaths
Donna Andersen is today's featured interview in this important series for women: Spot the Frogs and Find the Prince How to Date Differently and Create the Love You Crave In this interview, you'll learn: How to spot the Red Flags of Love Fraud Why women don't listen to warnings about romantic partners Risk factors that make women vulnerable to sociopaths Three steps for protecting yourself from sociopaths The surprising silver lining of being involved with a sociopath This is a great interview packed with information. It is available FREE online, but only until April 19. So if you want to hear it, sign up today. Spot the Frogs and Find the Prince How to Date Differently …
Date Differently: How to recognize, escape and heal from sociopathsRead More
John Robert Charlton arrested for murdering and dismembering woman he met online
John Robert Charlton, 37, of Washington State, has been arrested in the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a woman whom he met online. A Seattle-area homeowner found body parts in his recycling bin, which were later identified as belonging to Ingrid Lyne, 40, a nurse and mother of three children from Renton, Washington. Lyne went with Charlton to a Seattle Mariners baseball game on Friday, April 8. She was reported missing the next morning. Charlton had a lengthy criminal history. In 2006, his parents filed a restraining order against him. They said he told his mother to watch the movie Hannibal, about a serial killer, and to "beware." Grisly details revealed in murder of Renton mom; …
John Robert Charlton arrested for murdering and dismembering woman he met onlineRead More
British girls, aged 13 and 14, murder a helpless woman
Two girls from the United Kingdom were recently sentenced to life in prison for beating a woman for more than nine hours, stopping only to pose for pictures, and then leaving her to die. The girls were 13 and 14 years old when they committed the crime in December 2014. The story was forwarded to Lovefraud by a reader. She wrote: "In my opinion, the most shocking aspect of the reporting and analysis of this horrifying story is the fact that the girls/murderers have never been described/diagnosed as psychopathic, despite the fact that their joint attack on this defense-less women and their demeanor in court showed a complete lack of conscience or remorse. Most disturbing is the fact that …
British girls, aged 13 and 14, murder a helpless womanRead More
After the sociopath, date differently
Many women, after realizing they were romantically involved with a sociopath, say they'll never get involved in a relationship again. I do agree that you should refrain from dating for a while, maybe a long while, until you are reasonably healed from your experience. But "never" is a really long time. If you never engage your heart again, the sociopath will win permanently. And that would be a crying shame. But how do you try again? You fell for the lies once. Can you trust yourself to spot a predator? To help women who want to move forward, my friend, Teagin Maddox, is producing a free series of interviews with recovery and relationship experts, including me. It's called: Spot …
Prosecutor says teacher accused of sexual contact with his student married her so she won’t testify
Alabama math teacher Matthew Shane Wester, 38, was indicted for having sexual contact with a student, Amy Nicole Cox. So he divorced his wife, and two months later, married his alleged victim. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Case calls the marriage a "sham." She says Wester married the girl so she couldn't be forced to testify against him. 'The marriage is a sham:' Teacher, 38, married his eighteen-year-old student just 67 days after divorcing his first wife to avoid having to testify in trial, says DA, on DailyMail.com. …