By Joyce Alexander, RNP (Retired) I live in the woods, and what passes for a “yard” (I can't possibly call it a “lawn” with so little grass!) is pretty much in deep shade most of the summer due to the tall trees. Because of the deeply wooded environment, I've had to make a choice to have either trees or grass, but not both. I chose the trees. Many of the trees are different varieties of oak, some of which tend to shed the lower limbs as they grow taller and the lower limbs receive less sunlight. This self pruning of the trees benefits them by taking the limited resources of nutrients from the ground and moisture from the rains, and using it to grow taller and wider at the top where it r …
Why Me?
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. My father is a sociopath. He is also a convicted serial killer who resides on Florida's Death Row. I idolized my dad as a kid and wanted to be just like him, but I could not. Life, I thought, had betrayed me and given me something so cruel that I could never trust again. I didn't believe that I could ever make sense of this experience. How could I possibly come to terms with having been raised by such a monster? How could I possibly find peace in my life after being victimized as a child and young adult? How could I come to terms with a question that I though …
BOOK REVIEW: Travis Vining writes about life with his serial-killer father and miracles
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. Most of us who have tangled with sociopaths have stories that our friends and families find hard to believe. Yet despite what we've been through, we know that some of us have been through far worse. Travis Vining has one of those really bad stories. He's written the book. Perhaps someday we'll see the movie. Travis wrote a series of articles for Lovefraud back in 2008, which you can find in the Travis Vining Category. He will begin contributing articles again, starting tomorrow. Growing up with a sociopath Travis' father is a sociopath. But the man wasn't …
BOOK REVIEW: Travis Vining writes about life with his serial-killer father and miraclesRead More
It’s Up To All Of Us Now
Wow, last week's course with Dr Robert Hare was absolutely amazing! A huge eye-opener on how offending psychopaths are measured and dealt with in the criminal justice system — and also an insight in to the astonishing man who has given so much to so many of us. I'm planning to cover more about that in future posts... This week I'd like to talk about another subject that came up last week. It was also spelled out loud and clear in the Fishead movie that I know many of you have seen. It's the point that, even though it's widely acknowledged that a psychopath cannot ”˜get better' (and therefore it stands to reason that we cannot change the way they behave) it's also true that the vast major …
Making the sociopath accountable: How far do you go?
A Lovefraud reader using the name Dawn H posted the following comment quite awhile ago. At the end of her story, she brings up important questions. My ex and I grew up in the same small town. We were like Barbie and Ken”¦expected to marry and live happily ever after. I watched him grow from a very nice guy into a predator and a very evil person in just a few years. After our child was born he started a new wonderful job in a bank and quickly climbed the ladder to success. I put him through law school as he became distant and harsh and wouldn't touch me. I found out he was bragging at work about secretaries' children being his. One of his secretaries divorced her husband to sneak around with …
Making the sociopath accountable: How far do you go?Read More
HIV-positive man convicted of sex with 11 women
Ohio law requires people who test positive for HIV to inform potential sex partners. A professional wrestler called "Gangsta of Love" was convicted of putting 11 women at risk. Read 'Gangsta of Love' faces decades in prison on …
“Beware the tyranny of the weak”
By Joyce Alexander, RNP (Retired) I'm a sucker for “one line philosophies,” and sometimes I hear a new one that makes me perk up my ears and start to ponder on the phrase. Thus the quotes around today's title. The person who told me this, and said that she had heard it from her mother, I later came to believe is a psychopath. At the very least, she was incredibly demanding toward me, but all in the name of being “helpless” and therefore entitled to my help or entitled to doing it her way, entitled to inconvenience everyone else for her immediate gratification. Of course she never shouted at me to get her way, but was very soft spoken and politely demanded that her will be given in to …
Reclaiming Who We Are
I'm so glad that so many of you found Fishead useful. It's yet one more resource, one more educational tool that can only help to highlight the cause about sociopaths. This week I am on a training course run by Dr Robert Hare, so next week I'm sure I will be writing about my experiences. Today, though, I felt it appropriate to share something of my own experiences following the aftermath of my relationship. It's a post that was written on the 19th June 2010, fourteen months after I discovered the truth. It was a time when I'd really begun to make progress. I had survived (probably the most important thing at the time!), I knew exactly what I was dealing with (in terms of the personality …
Woman sues over web of Internet deceit
A case is now percolating through the Illinois courts that may have implications on whether perpetrators of online deception can be sued for damages. The case is Paula Bonhomme v. Janna St. James. Bonhomme lives in Los Angeles. She is a fan of the TV show Deadwood, and back in 2005, joined a chat room about the show. There she met St. James. St. James eventually introduced Bonhomme, online, to a man by the name of Jesse. Bonhomme and Jesse exchanged emails, phone calls and handwritten notes, and their relationship blossomed into a romance. Jesse introduced Bonhomme to his family and friends via email. Bonhomme sent gifts to Jesse and his family. They planned a future together, and …
Psychopaths: perfectly suited for high finance
Why are we facing a world financial crisis? Perhaps because psychopaths are running the show. In a post on the website Reality Sandwich, author Jonathan Zap writes: Most psychopaths are not violent criminals; they may be more likely to pursue white-collar crime, where the payoff is so much higher and the odds of detection so much lower. Psychopaths are perfectly designed for success in many fields, especially business, law and politics. They have higher IQs on average than the general population; they are charming, charismatic and manipulative; they can be decisive and take risks without anxiety, and they are ruthless, cunning and coldly rational. Psychopaths often personify many of the …