Mark Manson is an author and entrepreneur who posts on his website hundreds of articles about psychology and modern culture. ”˜Love is Not Enough' is a straightforward look at love through Mark Manson's eyes. Manson compares John Lennon's notion that “all you need is love” with Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor's idea that “love is not enough.” Manson sides with Reznor and warns that there are three harsh truths about love: love does not equal compatibility, love does not solve your relationship problems, and love is not always worth sacrificing yourself. Manson summarizes that love is a wonderful experience. It's one of the greatest experiences life has to offer. And it is something ever …
Why I wrote, ‘Entangled’
By Natalie Monroe Divorced after thirty years and unsure about my future, my confidence level was at an all-time low. Alone for the first time in my life and living in Florida, I felt isolated, but too scared to get back into the dating scene. Luckily, I didn't have to. Only three months on my own, an old classmate through the high school website contacted me. I remembered him right away. “Daniel Weaver” (not his real name) one of the popular boys and someone who never had an interest in me. Taking a chance, I agreed to meet him in New York, on my next trip home. Good-looking and charming, he said all the right words to make me fall for him. Intent on overcoming the difficulties of a long dis …
The critical thinking skills and instincts he tried to erode ended up saving my life
Editor's note: This story is from a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Eve2014." I have what is known as Narcissistic Victim Syndrome, and have suffered from it since I was narcissistically abused* by my father, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have been diligently and continuously working on myself in therapy for many years, with a slew of diagnoses that are all incorrect. It is only because of my involvement with a psychoanalytic therapist who behaved like a sociopath,** that I have reached the depths of emotional devastation and worked like a demon to solve the mystery. I cannot say whether Dr. X is a sociopath, psychopath, or narcissist, as I am not …
The critical thinking skills and instincts he tried to erode ended up saving my lifeRead More
He has no remorse for the complete fraud he was to me and our children
Editor's Note: This SPATH story was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who goes by the name of "Beverly2014." I have told this story so many times and feel like no matter how much I discuss it I could never tell it all because there are so many details and incidents that occurred that it would be exhausting and somewhat impossible. I met my Sociopath about two years after my divorce from my first marriage which was abusive in its own way. My Socio preyed on my vulnerability and used it against me. When we met online he was instantly every dream I had ever dreamed of -- the "perfect" man. Looking back on everything it is so frustrating the level of deceit and energy he put into fo …
He has no remorse for the complete fraud he was to me and our childrenRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: saved me from a sociopath
Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call Jennette. Dear Donna, I saved myself from a sociopath thanks to your Thank you very much, I can tell you now that you saved my life! You see, I was unlucky... He was my first boyfriend when I was 18 yrs old. He made me trust him with insane lies. He knew my weakness was not trusting people so easily. I was very vulnerable, kind, romantic and insecure. I broke up with him -- although I loved him -- because he cheated on me and my parents forced me to do this for my own good. He had haunted my dreams and mind for 10 years .The bond he had created couldn't break no matter how h …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: saved me from a sociopathRead More
Mary Ann Glynn: Deceit – the most destructive abuse
By Mary Ann Glynn, located in Bernardsville, New Jersey I have noticed that those who get involved with a sociopath, whether it's for 30 years or three months, the relationship has the same devastating effect. I've heard some describe even a brief encounter with a sociopath as the most destructive relationship they'd ever been in, even if they had previously been in a physically abusive relationship. What makes this true? Loss of value and power Any abusive relationship is destructive. In order to survive it, a person has to sublimate their needs and their identity, and a loss of self is experienced over time. Self-esteem is battered. Ongoing exposure to physical or verbal degradation from …
Mary Ann Glynn: Deceit – the most destructive abuseRead More
Mary Ann Glynn: Mind Warrior app helps you reclaim your lost self and heal from PTSD
By Mary Ann Glynn, located in Bernardsville, New JerseyIn recent years technology has made it possible to study as never before how the brain works and what can effectively change and heal it. Neuroplasticity, the opening of new neural pathways in the brain, is the key factor. I developed a therapeutic app to help this process, called Mind Warrior â„¢. Survival mode For those caught in a relationship with a sociopath, the brain's response to the ongoing trauma puts us in “survival mode” and we can lose our grip on the ability to cope (choose positive and healthy ways of feeling). Indeed, we can be stuck in the cycle of abuse and deception, which produces feelings of confusion, u …
Mary Ann Glynn: Mind Warrior app helps you reclaim your lost self and heal from PTSDRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Addicted to my relationship with a sociopath
Editor's Note: The letter to Lovefraud was submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Gwenda." My name is Gwenda and I am 27 years old. I'd like to share my story with you in hopes of getting some advice, help, or possibly sharing my story with someone going through this that could possible help them and they can relate to. Last year I started dating a guy who I believed to be the man of my dreams to discover I was dating a demon sociopath. When I met him he seemed like the most normal guy, told me he was in construction, going back to school to become a helicopter pilot, had lived in so many parts of the world, was so cultured, and extremely good looking and charming. He really made …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Addicted to my relationship with a sociopathRead More
Beliefs, love and sociopaths
Meet Jeremy Meeks. His photo was posted on Facebook in mid-June. With his high cheekbones, steel-blue eyes and tough-guy tattoos, the image quickly went viral. Where was the picture posted? On the Facebook page of the Stockton, California Police Department. Jeremy Meeks is a criminal, charged with 11 felony counts of weapons possession and gang activity. This is his mug shot. No matter. Women were apparently lusting after him, and sending him their phone numbers. Women lusting after sexy felon Jeremy Meeks are pissing off his wife, on I saw the picture on TV last week. Multiple media outlets—including— reported that because of the photo's more than 100,000 Fac …
Why I Wrote ‘Discarded: One Mother’s Journey with a Psychopath’
By Indie Mom I never started out to write a book, let alone a personal memoir, laying bare the most intimate and personal details between my husband and me and our children. Looking back four years since he left our family home, I can barely believe the repressed stories that have surfaced, and even more, stories that make complete sense to someone other than me. Because I had endured years of gas lighting, projection, triangulation and manipulation at the hands of my husband and father of my children, I looked and felt like a very unwell person when I tried to share anything with our closest friends and family members. Eventually, when our house of cards came tumbling down, there …
Why I Wrote ‘Discarded: One Mother’s Journey with a Psychopath’Read More